⁠Fighting for you where decisions are made

Fighting for you
where the decisions are made

⁠⁠For years, tycoons have been hiring lobbyists to sway public officials. Now it is our turn, the public, to change the course of our future.

⁠⁠For years, tycoons have been hiring lobbyists to sway public officials. Now it is our turn, the public, to change the course of our future.

What is Lobby 99?

Our team consists of public lobbyists (economists, lawyers, and accountants) as well as our research and marketing departments. The lobby’s budget is transparent and approved by members of the lobby (monthly donors). 

What is your interest?

Our interest is to protect your money. We work to ensure that the decisions are made to benefit the public, not the interests of tycoons and corporates. 

Why support Lobby 99?

We operate solely by crowdfunding. Funded by the public, for the public. You are our boss. 

What does a membership grant?

Monthly support grants voting rights for our transparent budget, major organizational decisions, and areas of focus. 

What have you achieved?

In 8 years, we helped pass laws (e.g., “Open Banking” and others), blocked corrupted laws, canceled deletion of tycoons debts, and more. 

What is Lobby 99? ​

Our team consists of public lobbyists (economists, lawyers, and accountants) alongside our research and marketing departments. The lobby’s budget is transparent and approved by members of the lobby (monthly donors). 

What is your interest?

Our interest is to protect your money. We work to ensure that the decisions are made to benefit the public, not the interests of tycoons and corporates. 

Why support Lobby 99?

We operate solely by crowdfunding. Funded by the public, for the public. You are our boss. 

What does a membership grant?

Monthly support grants voting rights on our transparent budget, major organizational decisions, and areas of focus. 

What have you achieved?

In 8 years, we helped pass laws (e.g., “Open Banking” and others), blocked corrupted laws, canceled deletion of tycoons debts, and more. 

The only organization that promotes the public's interests

The only organization that promotes the public's interests

For the public - by the public

For the public - by the public

Lobby 99 is the only organization that operates solely based on crowdfunding. Every amount counts! Join over 14,000 members who support our efforts on a monthly basis

Lobby 99 is the only organization that operates solely based on crowdfunding. Every amount counts! Join over 14,000 members who support our efforts on a monthly basis

The public deserves a voice too

With a small donation, you can help us expand our team of professional public lobbyists, who use legal, economic, accounting, and research tools to promote the public's interest

The public deserves a voice too

With a small donation, you can help us expand our team of professional public lobbyists, who use legal, economic, accounting, and research tools to promote the public's interest



We are solely a socio-economic initiative that, by our bylaws, does not engage in political, security, or religious-state matters. We collaborate across the political spectrum and have achieved success with both right-wing and center-left governments. Our cooperation is primarily with the coalition, as it is the most practical way to advance public interest issues. In socio-economic matters, we use tools from both the right and the left, focusing on what best serves the public interest. 

Lobby 99 is a fully crowdfunded civil society organization fighting for the public interest on socio-economic issues in the Knesset and among decision-makers. Thanks to our members' support, the organization has grown to 18 employees, mostly working mothers, led by a female CEO. Our team consists of top-tier lawyers and economists, with the goal of countering private lobbyists in government corridors. Lobby 99 ensures that public money is returned to the people, providing a trustworthy force in uncertain times. 

Lobby 99 is the largest ongoing crowdfunding initiative in Israel. From the first shekel to the last, it is entirely funded by the public, for the public. Foundations or commercial entities cannot join the initiative – we cannot be bought and our lobby cannot be hired. 

Lobby 99 members contribute a monthly membership fee (of any amount) and, in return, receive the right to influence the organization’s activities and the issues it promotes, as well as its annual budget. Members can suggest topics for action and participate in votes held several times a year, allowing them to impact the initiative’s decision-making and, in turn, influence decisions made by the Knesset and the government. 

All our income from membership fees funds our activities, primarily the talented people working in the initiative. We don't have fancy offices or huge advertising budgets. You can view all the financial details in our budget, which is approved by all members through a vote before each year and published on our website. You can also find our annual reports submitted to the Registrar of Associations. Lobby 99 promotes government transparency and operates with the same values. 

You can modify or cancel your monthly support at any time by sending an email to Lobby 99 at: [email protected] , or by using the cancellation form on the website. 

Join Now

Join Now

25 ₪
39 ₪
70 ₪
99 ₪
250 ₪
1000 ₪
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על מנת להיות חבר בלובי 99 ולהצביע לנושאים שיקודמו בחרו בדמי חברות חודשיים.

* For donating by wire transfer - 31159749, branch 806, Leumi Bank (10), Israel

** 35% of your donation will be refunded back for every donation over 207nis a year (as a tax return) 

בנקאות פתוחה

סייענו להעברת הרפורמה בבנקים, שאמורה להקל על פתיחת בנקים חדשים, והכנסנו לתוכה סעיפים רבים המקדמים את האינטרס הציבורי על פני האינטרסים של הבנקים.​

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