Meet the Team

Lobby 99 serves as the bridge between the general public and the government, representing the pioneering public lobby dedicated to advancing the broader interests of the public.

While tycoons and major corporations employ hundreds of lobbyists within the Knesset and government offices to further their wealth-oriented agendas, we advocate for the 99% who lack the means to engage lobbyists. Our objective is to champion the interests of the broader public in socio-economic affairs with regard to legislative and governmental decision-makers.

The “magnates” of Lobby 99 are the general public. The organization’s budget, which is fully transparent, is entirely funded through crowdfunding by private citizens, thus preventing tycoons and large corporations from influencing decision-making.

In exchange for their membership fees, supporters of the initiative have the right to choose which issues public lobbyists will address in the Knesset and what they will advocate for.

Meet the Team

Do you want to support the public interest?

Advocate Linor Deutsch

Co-Founder and CEO of Lobby 99, the first public lobbyist in Israel

Married with two children, resides in Tel Aviv.

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and Political Science, and a Master’s degree in Gender Studies, both from Tel Aviv University.

Previous roles include: VP of Lobby 99, VP of Regulation and Legal Advisor at the Farmers Association of Israel, Parliamentary Assistant and Political Advisor in the Knesset. Accolades include making “The Marker’s 100 Most Influential People” list for five consecutive years 2017-2021, winning the 2019 “Guardian of Governance Quality” and “Walking Man” activism awards, being featured among the “20 Leading Activists” by Lady Globes in 2019, and named in Calcalist’s “36 Under 36” list in 2018.

When she’s not working, she’s usually engrossed the worlds of fantasy and sci-fi literature while indulging in dark chocolate infused  with either chili or salted caramel.

Advocate Rachel Gur

Married with 4 children, resides in Nofei Prat

Specializes in regulation, legislation, and governance. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and Government with honors from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (now Reichman University), and a research-based Master’s degree in Legal Theory with honors from New York University.

Past roles include: Legislative Advisor to the Coalition Chairman, and Senior Advisor to ministers in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Environmental Protection, Immigration, and Jerusalem.

During her free time, you’ll find her practicing yoga or spending quality time on outings with her family.

Dr. Einat Solnik

Head of the Legal Department at Lobby 99

Single with one child, resides in Beit Nehemia.

Education: Graduated from Tel Aviv University’s multi-disciplinary honors program with a Bachelor’s in Law (LLM), a Bachelor’s in Middle Eastern History (BA), and a Master’s in Diplomacy (MA). Also holds a Master’s in Law (LLM) from Yale University. Currently pursuing a PhD under Prof. Yoram Margalioth at Tel Aviv University, focusing on pluralistic taxation.

Previous roles: Clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice Edmund Levy; subsequently worked on the Turkel Committee investigating Operation Protective Edge, at the Economic Corporation of the Israeli Bar Association, on the “Coursera” project, and later joined the litigation team of Alex Hartman at S. Horowitz & Co. Volunteered for several years as an attorney for the Movement for Quality Government in  Israel and participated in the Kohelet Policy Forum’s PhD program.

Outside of work, you’ll find her bouldering reading-writing, and running the “Unimportant Facts” community.

Advocate Zohar Altman-Raphael

Public Lobbyist and Government Sector Manager

Married with three children, resides in Kfar Etzion.

Specializes in spearheading lobbying initiatives focused on enhancing transparency and severing the ties between financial power and politics, with a specialization in administrative litigation.

Education: Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and another in Community Social Work, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. On completing Ulpana high-school, she spent a year and a half in the pre-military academy at the urban kibbutz “Beit Israel” in Giloh, and later enlisted in the IDF’s Education Corps as part of a Nahal core group.

Previous Roles: Specialized in public defense and was a leading attorney in the administrative litigation department at the “Movement for Quality Government in Israel”. Managed a wide array of cases related to proper governance and corruption in local and central government, represented various cases in court, and participated in Knesset committee discussions.

During her free time she enjoys baking.

Moshe Kashi

Director of the Finance Department at Lobby 99, and Public Lobbyist

Married with two children, resides in Tel Aviv

Specializes in advocating for market liberalization in the banking sector and strengthening public oversight of pension and insurance funds. 

An experienced economist specializing in capital markets, with in-depth understanding of pension and insurance sectors.

Previous Roles: Served for 8 years as the head of Research and Analysis in the securities trading room at an international bank. Conducted company valuations, mapped business sectors, managed capital market risks, and analyzed investment portfolios. Spearheaded the “Open Pension” initiative through “The Public Knowledge Workshop,” alongside various efforts to integrate social, environmental, and corporate governance principles into the management of Israel’s capital markets.

Outside of Work: Enjoys writing poetry.

Advocate Noa Zaltzman

Public Lobbyist

Married with one child, resides in Ramat Gan 

Leads lobbying efforts focusing on consumer rights and monopolies in importation. 

Specializes in regulation, legislation, and governance.

Holds a summa cum laude Bachelor’s degree in Law and Middle Eastern Studies, and a Master’s in Business Administration specializing in Financial Management and Capital Markets, all from Tel Aviv University.

Previous Roles: Served as an officer in the IDF Spokesperson Unit, specialized at the law firm S. Horowitz & Co., initially volunteered at Lobby 99 where she assisted in drafting several legislative proposals, later joining as a public lobbyist.

Outside of Work: Enjoys reading books and baking.

Yael Shechter-Sitman

Public Lobbyist at Lobby 99

Married with 2 children, residing in Tel Aviv.

An established Public Lobbyist in the Local Authorities Department and the Public Transportation Department. 

Holds a BA in Economics and Management and a Master’s degree in Business Administration, specializing in Finance, from Tel Aviv University. 

Her professional journey includes: Head of Health and Life Sciences at the Manufacturers Association of Israel, where she served for 9 years. At the Association, Yael chaired professional forums and was responsible for examining regulatory issues, mapping failures, and strategizing solutions against bureaucratic impediments. Additionally, she spearheaded the “Women in Industry Forum” at the Manufacturers Association, to advocate for female representation and integration in the industrial sector.  

In her free time, she enjoys unwinding with music during long walks.

Ariel Paz-Suwicki

Director of the Research Department at Lobby 99

Married with two children, resides in Jerusalem.

Specializes in leading various data collection and research processes, including economic and strategic research, while utilizing advanced data analysis tools. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies and Economics from Tel Aviv University, a Master’s degree in Arts and Law from Bar-Ilan University, and another Master’s in Economics from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC.

In previous roles, he gained experience at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC and served in various command and research positions in the Intelligence Corps as part of the “Havatzalot” excellence program, completing his service with the rank of Major.

Outside of work, you’ll find him playing the guitar and drums.

Ophir Pe’er

Public Lobbyist

Lives in Givatayim 

Public lobbyist for the Natural Resources team 

Graduated with honors from the PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

Formerly led the economic team at the government procurement administration in the Ministry of Finance, where he was responsible for major tender design, developing and implementing economic methodologies in government offices, supporting the digitization of government procurement, and spearheading procurement reforms. 

During his free time he enjoys listening to music, watching movies, and walking his dog. 

Advocate and CPA Ella Tamir Shlomo

Public Lobbyist

Married with one child, resides in Givatayim.

A public lobbyist in Lobby 99’s financial department and the public transportation department.

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and both a summa cum laude Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Law (thesis on “Dividend Distribution Tests in the IFRS Era,” International Financial Reporting Standards) from Reichman University.

Previous roles include specialization at the Gross & Co. law firm and a CPA in the professional department at KPMG.

During her free time she enjoys Pilates.

Itai Lapid

VP of Marketing, Fundraising & Community Outreach

Resides in Tel Aviv 

Heads Lobby 99’s Marketing Department, with a specialization in social media. Holds a degree in Fashion Design from the “Avni Institute” in Tel Aviv.

Previous roles include over a decade in the fashion industry as both a boutique owner and designer, International Resource Manager for the LGBTQ youth organization, “IGY,” and manager of private sector donors; Marketing and PR Manager for “Forever Tel Aviv.” Volunteers for various activities within the LGBTQ community and organizes annual Pride events.

In his free time, he enjoys cooking, savoring meals, and nurturing plants.

Noa Peri Barashan


Married with 3 children, residing in Ramat Gan. 

Holds a BA in Humanities and Communication from the Kinneret College and a Master’s degree in Government and Public Policy from the Bar-Ilan University. 

Among her previous roles: Deputy spokesperson for Meuchedet Healthcare Services, Senior Communications Consultant at Debby Group, Communications Consultant in PR offices, Parliamentary Assistant and Spokesperson in the Knesset. She has led significant public initiatives, including Israel’s 70th-anniversary events and the ‘March of the Living’. 

In her free time Noa enjoys cooking and travelling with her family and friends across the country. 

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Tal Bluver

Social Media Manager

Resides in Yehud-Monosson 

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Investments from Bar-Ilan University 

Previous positions include owner of a digital and advertising video production company, photographer, director, and creative specialist. 

When not shaping the digital landscape, he enjoys attending festivals, creating art, and watching films and TV series. 

Irit Herman Shanker

Community Engagement and Fundraising Manager

Married with 2 children, residing in Tel Aviv 

Holds a BA in Political Science and East Asian Studies from Tel Aviv University furthering her education with Sustainable Business Strategy from Harvard Business School Online. 

Her previous roles include: leading Corporate Responsibility at Philip Morris Israel for 6 years, managing the business sector of Good Deeds Day 2023, leading large-scale volunteer activities, notably for the President’s Residence staff. 

Outside of work Irit is an avid podcast listener and book reader. 

Lee Bocti

Office Manager

Single, based in Tel Aviv 

Graduate of the Visual Communication Department at Shenkar 

With a versatile career spanning operations and welfare management in the solar energy sector and various law firms, Lee brings a strategic edge to her role.  

Lee’s leisure activities include cooking, painting, gardening, and sampling pastries at new cafes. 

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In addition to the core team, Lobby 99 collaborates with scores of student interns participating in nationwide programs such as “Connecting” from Tel Aviv University, “Rothschild Ambassadors,” and credit-earning volunteer opportunities at Ben-Gurion University. Furthermore, we have a dedicated base of volunteers from various disciplines who generously donate their time without financial remuneration.

This is the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to Lobby members who contributed to the creation of this website: our incomparable Digital Manager (retired) Carmel Nemesh, Arabic Translator Elad Coocks-Eitan, English Translators Vanessa Davies Mizrachi and Dina Maharashak, Language Editor Eitan Walsh, Graphic Designer Nir Golan, Photographer Yuval Weitzen, and Makeup Artist Eli Nigiri.

בנקאות פתוחה

סייענו להעברת הרפורמה בבנקים, שאמורה להקל על פתיחת בנקים חדשים, והכנסנו לתוכה סעיפים רבים המקדמים את האינטרס הציבורי על פני האינטרסים של הבנקים.​

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