Terms of use

Dear user, you are surfing and using the online website of "Lobby 99" Ltd. (the "Site"; "The Lobby"**). Browsing and use of the website are subject to the site's terms of use and privacy policy only, which constitute binding legal regulations ("the regulations"), and therefore we ask you to read them carefully. [links]

When browsing and using the website, you declare that: (a) you have read the regulations and agree to its terms. (b) You are of legal age (18 or older) to enter into a contract according to the terms of the regulations.

  • 1. The website is intended to be used as a platform to present the work of the lobby; to integrate the members of the lobby in its activities; and fundraising.
  • 2. The site is the exclusive property of the Lobby; And the lobby has full and exclusive discretion regarding the maintenance, management and updating of the site.
  • 3. The lobby reserves the right to change the website and the regulations from time to time, at its full and exclusive discretion, and without prior notice. In general, to update the terms of the regulations, to determine methods of access and use of the website, to demand the delivery of personal details in order to perform actions, to block/cancel any action of an end user, to change any technical/content component of the website, etc.
  • 4. Whoever browses and uses the website ("the end user") does so on the website as it is at this moment (as is; as available); And every browsing and re-use constitutes your re-agreement to the terms of the regulations.
  • 5. The website is not intended to advise the end user on how she should act regarding her private affairs and the information on the website should not be relied upon for making decisions regarding private matters.

The site and regulations

Browsing and using the website

  • 1. The lobby makes a reasonable effort to maintain, manage and update the website according to all laws, including regarding information security and privacy protection; But he will not bear any responsibility for technical failures and failures that are beyond his control, and will not provide technical support for browsing and using the site.
  • 2. Browsing and use of the website is at the discretion and full responsibility of the end user; for lawful purpose only; in accordance with the regulations; and for her personal needs only.
  • 3. Browsing and use do not grant the end user any right regarding the site and/or the information contained therein and she is prohibited from making any use of the site/information that is not in accordance with the law and/or regulations and/or any harassing/offensive, partial/full, temporary/permanent use , unless the lobby's prior written consent is received.
  • 4. The end user will not act in violation of the law and/or the regulations and/or any other condition determined by the lobby; She will not knowingly endanger the website and/or the information on the website and/or the security of the information; And the lobby will not be responsible for any action of the end user, and in particular for action against the law.
  • 5. The lobby reserves the right to block/restrict the end user's browsing and use of the site and/or reject her membership/contribution and/or remove any content on behalf of the end user, and all at its sole discretion, without the obligation of reasoning and/or advance notice; And he may take legal proceedings against an end user who acted in violation of the law/regulations.
  • 6. Some of the information on the website comes from or refers to third parties (via links to other websites). Lobby has no responsibility regarding this information, including its legality, reliability, completeness, usefulness, etc.; And no claim will be heard against the lobby regarding damage/loss caused due to any aspect concerning the information of third parties, including regarding the correctness of the links that appear on the website.
  • 7. The lobby will be exempt from any liability, including the obligation to compensate, for any damage/loss caused, or likely to be caused, as a result of browsing and using the website, including any malfunction on the website, use of equipment/software/information for the needs of accessing the website, loss/disruption of information, action of End user and/or other third party in violation of the law/regulations, entry of false/partial details by the end user, links to other websites.
  • 1. The lobby may allow the end user to upload content to or through the site and/or require the end user to provide personal details in order to perform operations on the site.
  • 2. The end user does not have any legal obligation to upload content or provide personal details and if she does so – this will be done of her own free will; and with the understanding and agreement that the lobby may, at its sole discretion, save them in the database in its possession and make any legal use of them; and to contact the end user from time to time via text messages/emails (unless she expresses her express wish that she is not interested in this).
  • 3. The determining date for any dispute between the parties will be the date on which the content and/or personal details of the end user were registered in the lobby systems.
  • 4. The end user will not upload content to the site and/or will not provide personal details that do not belong to her and/or contrary to any law and/or false/partial and/or offensive/annoying; And the lobby will not be responsible for the information uploaded by the end user, but she will bear full responsibility for this information, including for damage/loss caused, or that may be caused, to the lobby, the website or a third party.
  • 5. It should be emphasized that knowingly uploading/providing false information is a criminal offense.

Uploading content and providing details on the website

Contribution and cancellation

  • 1. The lobby allows the end user to join as a lobby member and donate only if she is of legal age (18 or older), has provided accurate and complete personal details, and has a valid means of payment. The donation will be used to promote the declared public goals of the lobby only.
  • 2. The donation will be made using the end user's payment method, provided that the lobby supports this payment method, as well as the settlement system of "Yad Sherig" which is secured by the mechanism in the global PCI DSS standard; It includes VAT and is recognized for the purposes of Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance; And it will not be completed unless approval is received from the payment method company and the clearing company. After completing the donation, the end user will receive an email to the address she provided on the website.
  • 3. The end user must make sure that her permanent/temporary contribution is in the amount requested by her; And the lobby will not bear any responsibility, and will not be awarded for a past contribution, if there was an oversight in the amount of the contribution.
  • 4. The lobbyist will not be held responsible and will not be awarded for a past donation that was given by mistake, whether the entire amount of the donation or part of it.
  • 5. The lobby takes reasonable precautions to maintain the confidentiality of the personal details of the end user, and in particular the means of payment; But will not be responsible for any damage/loss caused to the end user as a result of any malfunction that is not under his control, including unauthorized use of such details.
  • 6. The lobby takes reasonable precautions to maintain the confidentiality of the personal details of the end user, and in particular the means of payment; But will not be responsible for any damage/loss caused to the end user as a result of any malfunction that is not under his control, including unauthorized use of such details.
  • 7. The end user may at any time cancel a donation by means of a written email message to the address mail@lobby99.org.il, in which it will be specifically stated "I wish to terminate my membership in Lobby 99".
  • 8. The cancellation notice will be implemented within 3 days from the date it was received in the lobby's email system; And the cancellation will be valid only for future donations and not for donations that have already been received and completed, which will not be returned to the end user in any case. To the extent that there are costs associated with the cancellation of the donation that will be collected by third parties, the end user will bear them in full.
  • 9. The lobby will not be held responsible for a cancellation that was not completed correctly due to false/partial details provided by the end user or any fault beyond its control.
  • 1. All intellectual property rights on the website, on the information that appears on it, including content/design/presentation/other and including technical information, belong exclusively to the lobby (or to third parties who have authorized the lobby to use the information). Also the name "Lobby 99 Ltd." and any other signs of the lobby are part of the property of the lobby and all rights regarding them are reserved for the lobby only.
  • 2. It is forbidden to make unauthorized, illegal use of the information, which may violate intellectual property laws (including copyrights, trademarks, privacy protection, etc.); including changing, copying, selling, distributing, broadcasting, distributing, publishing and/or sending advertising content and/or exposing the website to software/files that may cause a technical/other malfunction and/or preventing/restricting a third party from browsing and using the website and/or any Other unlawful use of information. The responsibility for such unauthorized use and for any damage/loss that is caused, or may be caused as a result, will be on the user (whether the end user or another third party) only.
  • 3. Browsing and using the website does not give the end user any right to make any offensive/annoying, partial/full, temporary/permanent use of the website and the information contained therein; And she will bear sole responsibility as long as she does so.

Intellectual Property


  • 1. The regulations override any other consent given on behalf of the lobby, unless it is explicitly stated in writing that the consent overrides the regulations.
  • 2. The invalidity of a provision of the terms of the regulations will not detract from the validity of the other terms; And a condition that is not valid will not be completely canceled but will be replaced by a valid condition that is closest to the original condition in the wording/interpretation.
  • 3. In the event of a dispute regarding the terms of the regulations, the end user and/or another third party undertake to contact the lobby to try and settle the dispute by agreement and confidentiality; To the extent that this does not succeed – the parties will resort to a mediation procedure behind closed doors; And only if the mediation fails – the parties will turn to the court of jurisdiction.
  • 4. Israeli law will apply exclusively to the terms of use and the privacy policy; And the exclusive hearing authority is given to the competent court in Tel Aviv.
  • 5. For any question/enquiry, you can contact the lobby during business hours (15:00-09:00) via email mail@lobby99.org.il and/or phone 073-3745399

*The terms of use apply equally to all genders and the use of the feminine language is done for convenience.

**Wherever the word "lobby" appears, it also refers to office bearers and employees of the lobby and/or to any party acting on its behalf.

תודה על הרשמתך לניוזלטר שלנו!

ייתכן והוא יגיע לספאם או לקידומי מכירות, אז כדאי לחפש אותנו בימי שישי בבוקר ולסמן בכוכב כדי שיגיע לתיבת הדואר הנכנס הרגילה.

דילוג לתוכן