Empower Change with Lobby 99's Expert Lecture on Crowdfunded Public Lobbying!

Empower Change with Lobby 99's Expert Lecture on Crowdfunded Public Lobbying!

Join us for a game-changing lecture by Rachel Gur, VP of Lobby99, as she unveils the world of political economy and the first crowdfunded public lobby.

Discover: Learn how you can shape policies, create impact, and democratize change through collective action.
Be Empowered: Explore your potential to drive change and amplify your voice like never before.
Who's Invited: Passionate about change? Students, professionals, activists – this is your call to action.

For details : ofirnoa@lobby99.org.il

תודה על הרשמתך לניוזלטר שלנו!

ייתכן והוא יגיע לספאם או לקידומי מכירות, אז כדאי לחפש אותנו בימי שישי בבוקר ולסמן בכוכב כדי שיגיע לתיבת הדואר הנכנס הרגילה.

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