Exclusive Membership Benefits

Lobby 99 members have the power to choose which issues will be advocated to decision-makers.

More Members = More Public Lobbyists = Greater Victories for the Public.


We refuse to be the silent majority and extend a helping hand to drive change! Select a monthly membership fee and become an active partner in the public lobby.


All lobby members have the right to participate in polls that influence the organization’s initiatives in the Knesset and government. These include the core topics we engage with, such as budgeting, and beyond.


Boosting the lobby’s impact bolsters the public’s authority with decision-makers. Lobby members actively contribute to this effort, allowing us to achieve even greater successes together.

Stay up-to-date with our weekly status reports: Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter directly to your inbox.

The Evolution of a Core Topic

Phase One

Proposing a Subject

You have the option to submit topic ideas for us to address through an online form. This is subject to an identification process that includes providing your email address or ID number. Voting remains open throughout the year, but we will provide a response to your proposal before the next members’ vote. Our lobbyist team meticulously assesses all proposals based on the following criteria:

  1. The topic must address a distinct social or economic issue (excluding religion-state relations or political matters per our regulations).
  2. It should benefit the vast majority of the public, not just a small group.
  3. The proposal should be practical and feasible, taking the composition of the Knesset and the coalition into consideration. We prioritize issues with a realistic chance of progress over issuing “statements of law” that are unlikely to pass due to political or budgetary reasons.
  4. The topic lacks efficient and successful intervention by other social organizations.
  5. The topic can be addressed in the near term.
  6. Priority is given to topics if lobbyists representing magnates oppose it and work against the public interest. 
Phase One

Phase Two

Voting Procedures:

Annual Voting Process: Topics that meet all criteria are presented for online voting. Lobby members can then vote for the topics they want us to prioritize. Additionally, members have the option to vote against topics they prefer we do not address. Topics receiving more than 25% opposition will be rejected. The final selection of topics is based on the highest votes, while considering opposing votes.

Retirement Vote: Every two years, members vote on retiring a core topic. They select a topic from our list to discontinue, allowing for new topics to be added.

Small-Scale Votes: Throughout the year, we conduct 2-4 small-scale votes on content, research, marketing, and legal matters. Members then have the opportunity to decide on immediate agenda items. For example: “Should Lobby 99 appeal the Competition Authority’s approval of the acquisition of the gas pipeline between Israel and Egypt by a gas monopoly?”

Budget Vote: The annual project budget is submitted to members for approval via vote. A budget proposal with 25% or more opposition will be rejected, and an alternative proposal will be considered. Members participate in the annual budget approval process in December. The approved budget, detailing all organization expenses, including salaries and office expenses, is then published on our website.

Phase Two

Phase Three

Engaging and Keeping You Informed

Lobby 99’s public lobbyists dedicate their efforts to the topics selected by project members. This work takes place within the Knesset, government offices, and in collaboration with regulatory entities.

Members receive a weekly update via email. They also have access to exclusive Facebook and Telegram groups for discussions and community interactions.

Phase Three

Do you want to support the public interest?

בנקאות פתוחה

סייענו להעברת הרפורמה בבנקים, שאמורה להקל על פתיחת בנקים חדשים, והכנסנו לתוכה סעיפים רבים המקדמים את האינטרס הציבורי על פני האינטרסים של הבנקים.​

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